Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Make a Measuring Cup From a Plastic Party Cup

I wanted to have a measuring cup for exclusive garden use, but I didn't feel like buying one (plus, I needed one immediately and didn't want to use my kitchen measuring cups for fertilizer, organic though it may be).

I had some leftover plastic cups from the toddler's birthday party so I took one of those. . .

I needed 1/2 cup and 1 cup increments, so I first got one of my kitchen measuring cups, filled it with 1/2 cup water, and poured it in the cup. I then took a sharpie and drew a line at the water level in the cup and labeled it "1/2 cup". I did the same thing for "1 cup".

Unfortunately, I did not take a picture so below is a Microsoft Paint rendition of my measuring cup:

Voila! Instant measuring cup that I don't care if it gets crushed or lost!

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